July 9, 2024

Andy Elliot (Classic Episode Replay) | EP128

Andy Elliot (Classic Episode Replay) | EP128

How are you driving vision, today?

-Sam D'Arc

Andy Elliott:

We only got 1 life. We don't break our commitments. Undisciplined people don't get anything. Disciplined people rule the world.

Sam DArc:

Welcome everyone to the Driving Vision podcast brought to you by the Zigler Auto Group. And here with me, auto group director of talent development, Mike Van Ryn. Welcome, Mike. Hey. Thanks, Sam.

Sam DArc:

Be sure to subscribe to the podcast. Like it if you do, and leave a comment. This week, we bring you the much anticipated second episode of Mike Van Rhijn and my conversation with Andy Elliott. Andy shares his coveted daily routine, which helps him maintain high energy, connection, and create incredible sales results, starting as a salesperson and now leading a large training organization. Also, Andy shares his why, including his commitment to family, both wife and kids, and his family in the workplace.

Sam DArc:

We go now to Andy Elliott.

Andy Elliott:

On my end, we live in Scottsdale, Arizona. We train 420, 000 salespeople. Sam, I'm gonna tell you a neat deal. People always say, so, like, how do we train 420, 000 salespeople? And we literally only train 11, 000 companies.

Andy Elliott:

How is that? Why the numbers? I'm gonna tell you something cool. So So I started shooting videos on YouTube, and I started talking about sales training. Hey.

Andy Elliott:

Somebody says I need to think about it, here's what you're gonna say. Somebody says this, here's what you hey. You wanna bump somebody $500 a month? Do this. We'll generate leads, do this.

Andy Elliott:

This. And I put out free sales training videos. And I wanted to get once we got really good, we started building up a big following. I thought, man, I'm gonna start calling dealers. Right?

Andy Elliott:

Because I wanna start training their people. Why don't we just make training courses for salespeople? And what I did is that I created a bunch of $299 programs, how to overcome any objection, how to close any deal on the first pencil, how to generate your own leads, how to be deadly on the phone. $299 courses. That's all we did.

Andy Elliott:

And I launched it on 2019. Okay? January 1, 2019, we launched our first training deal on YouTube. I say, I got my first core 0 to 100 k. How to go from 0 to 100, 000 fast, make it again and again.

Andy Elliott:

Sam, my last year selling cars, I made $7.16. So I made some money selling cars. I'm not the best in the world, but I would like to say if you're gonna compete against me, you better be really good. Because I wanna be really good. And by the way, I like being around people that compete.

Andy Elliott:

We make each other better of that. But overnight, $250 went in the bank account. We were in business. Overnight. And there were all salespeople.

Sam DArc:

There were no managers. There were no VMs.

Andy Elliott:

There were no stores. Sam, I didn't even start selling to dealerships and helping them until 2021. Because we were running 50, 000, 000 from salespeople helping them. We didn't even need to talk dealers didn't want to have anything to do with us. And then all of a sudden, all the managers, sorry, all the salespeople were promoted into management that trained with us.

Andy Elliott:

Now we've got a bunch of managers that started training with me in salespeople. And now they're like, hey, dude. I went through finance with your training. I went through sales with your training. I dominated floor.

Andy Elliott:

I want you to teach my guys to do that now. What can I do now with all so we now the same sales people we started with, we opened a dealer division, and then literally, we signed up 2, 3000 stores?

Sam DArc:

Mike, you don't know this. Andy texted me at 4 o'clock in the morning. Dude, I woke up. I got a fever. I'm sick.

Sam DArc:

Can we look at maybe a rescheduling to Monday? I was like, I saw it and I didn't instantly respond. 2 and a half hours later, Andy calls me and I was on a call. I sent it to voice mail. He's, dude, I'm back on.

Sam DArc:

He's, I went and worked out. Fever's gone. I'm in beast mode. I'm back on it. Look, there are people that find a way to succeed.

Sam DArc:

It's not about Tony Robbins talks about it's not about resources. It's about resourcefulness. We may not feel good that morning. Are you going to be resourceful and getting back in the game and go in beast mode? And you did that today.

Sam DArc:

You overcame a challenge physical, maybe working out was part of the way you reset. Would you share with us, Andy, maybe what happened? And then also what's your routine that creates this result? That is so intense that I love?

Andy Elliott:

No. I love it. Okay. So number 1, do you see this shirt I got on? What's that say?

Sam DArc:

Elliot. Elliot.

Andy Elliott:

Like, you don't really see, but it's really got the old

Sam DArc:

That's right.

Andy Elliott:

Literally ran straight from the gym to here. I'm gonna tell you why. Okay? Number 1, I've made a living out of being successful because I did things that people couldn't do and wouldn't do. Notice, Mike, I said wouldn't do.

Sam DArc:


Andy Elliott:

Okay? So what does that mean? That means this, if you're gonna compete against me, and I've always had to fight for my own family, and my own goals, and my own dreams, just like you guys do. And if you wake up and you don't feel like getting out of bed at 5 AM and going to the gym, and I don't feel like it either, but I get up and you don't. I beat you.

Andy Elliott:

And I'm gonna tell you I've made a living out of doing things that I don't want to do, and finding pleasure in doing it, and studying people who can endure with pain. And I'm we're reading that new book right now, Never Finished, by David Goggins. I would highly recommend everybody.

Sam DArc:

I'm gonna get it. You sent it.

Andy Elliott:

Yeah. Oh my God. Dude, listen to me. Get the Audible. I've listened to it 9 times.

Andy Elliott:

I've got the book. Paperback it. All I'm gonna say is this. Never finished. I I dude, I listened to it on speed 1.3.

Andy Elliott:

I can go through it in 7 hours. I've been through it 9 times now. I'm gonna explain this to you. Mentality is the difference between winning and losing. And I'm gonna tell you this.

Andy Elliott:

So I woke up this morning. I've got a fever. I'm literally sweating. I'm like, dude, I'm sick. I pop some amoxicillin.

Andy Elliott:

I go back to bed. I text you because I wanna be respectful and try to be ahead of the game. I tell Jesse, cancel all my Zoom meetings all day long. I go to bed. And then, by the way, me and my wife, we run together very hard.

Andy Elliott:

She goes, you gonna sleep in today? And I was like, I don't feel good. I'm sweating. I'm I got a fever. And she's take a nap.

Andy Elliott:

Set you alarm for 2 hours. So I did. And when I woke up, I said, no ways. I'm not missing hanging out with these guys.

Sam DArc:

I love you.

Andy Elliott:

You what I did? I got my damn shoes on. I didn't feel like it. I freaking went to the gym, and I worked out like hell. Put my pods in, and all I did was beat those demons off me.

Andy Elliott:

And whatever the hell was coming over my body. And literally What? An hour later, dude, I feel like a $1, 000, 000, 000, 000. I literally just put this cardigan over the top. I wrote on my hand.

Andy Elliott:

Right? I put, hijack your competition's brain. Right? My Breitling watch ready to roll. I said, man, let's go, baby.

Andy Elliott:

I got my shorts on with my Converse. Dude, listen.

Mike Van Ryn:

I'm ready for fantastic.

Andy Elliott:

My team?

Mike Van Ryn:

You you broke that cycle, Andy.

Andy Elliott:

That's it. You broke

Mike Van Ryn:

the cycle, but you shared your journey. You shared your history, your family. You broke the cycle for you, also for your family, for your kids. Right? So congratulations on that, man.

Mike Van Ryn:

That's huge.

Andy Elliott:

And I wanna say something, is that a lot of people like to maintain. And I'm gonna I'm gonna tell you, Sam, maintaining it will not keep you where you're at now. You're going to have to go gear up and get ready for war. What you're about to go through, what you're gonna go through with your people, from fighting entitlement to ego and all this, is you're going to have to get on a level and a page and create a culture you've never had to do before. We would say it's the old market.

Andy Elliott:

People are like, we're just going back to the old market. No, you're not. Listen, I'm gonna explain this to you. My daughter I'm gonna give you a little quick analogy. My daughter, every time she gets hurt when I was younger, I used to go and say, my wife, she'd be like, Hey, your daughter's crying again.

Andy Elliott:

I'd go grab her. And guess what? I'd say, Hey, daddy will take you to Target. Don't worry about it.

Sam DArc:

Make it all okay.

Andy Elliott:

Dude, I thought I was doing the best thing for her. She would cry. I would go buy her a toy. She loved me. My wife knew it was a disaster waiting to happen.

Andy Elliott:

Now, I had to answer 1 day to that spoiled little girl now, that every time she didn't get what she wanted, she cried, and she wanted to go to the store. And I said, I can't take you to the store every time you cry. It was a daily deal. I ruined her. This business ruined.

Andy Elliott:

It allowed us. We would have normally made $100, it gave us $300. Dollars So we did 20% of the work, but we got 100% of the money. Dude, I'm telling you when I say this to you. I feel really sorry for anybody that is gonna hope that 2023 is gonna pan out or work out in any way, shape, or form.

Andy Elliott:

And I pray for you because your family is going to suffer. You do not wanna get into the tailwind of a bad start of 2023. Your statement in 2023 in January will set the tone for the whole year. K? We've got to set the tone for our family, our kids, our wife, what 2023 is gonna look like, our team, our leaders, sales meetings, knocking the dust off people in the morning again, role playing.

Andy Elliott:

K? Folk fake phone calls, ring, ring. K? Make an outbound call. Make an outbound call.

Andy Elliott:

Whiteboard, customer, only wants to pay this payment. We're here. How are you gonna bump them? What are you gonna say? This is the car they're buying.

Andy Elliott:

This is the car they're selling. What are you gonna do? Show us. Show us. Get the Sharpie.

Andy Elliott:

Let's go. Work it. I wanna see your mind. I wanna see your mind work. We gotta get our mind alive in 2023.

Andy Elliott:

And the most powerful thing that any human in this world has is a mind. The most powerful thing. The reason why we outlived the dinosaurs and all that is because we got a mind. We're really smart. By the way, Sam, think about your bloodline.

Andy Elliott:

Think about your family, your true bloodline a 1000000 years ago. Dude, they couldn't even imagine that you could get what you have right now. They couldn't imagine it. Matter of fact, the entire history of time have been waiting for this generation that we're in right now, in this era, and exactly what

Sam DArc:

we have.

Andy Elliott:

And you talk about resourcefulness, difference between rich people and poor people are resources. Sam, I'm telling you, if you can cling on to a good circle of people that will tell you the truth. What does that mean? Sam, if you're not working out every morning, it's physical, mental business. If you're not physically working out, you can't mentally be strong, and your business can't thrive.

Andy Elliott:

You go if you don't wake up at 5 AM in the morning and you don't go to the gym by the way, I'm not your buddy anymore. I don't wanna be around because I don't wanna win.

Sam DArc:

I love that. That is true. That it's who we hang out with, who we surround ourselves with, push us and those people that are willing to do the things that no 1 else is is willing to do. You find a group of those people. So Andy, how have you found that circle that supports you in these insane goals that will push you higher, like that conversation between you and your wife.

Sam DArc:

Hey, you know what? I don't feel that I heard in her comment back to you, what you're going to do about it.

Andy Elliott:

She's going to

Sam DArc:

take a minute and suck it up, and let's go back to work.

Andy Elliott:

And then, by the way, listen. There's some things that I think that we share the pressure in our team and our family together. There's a term, Sam. It says, share the pressure. Okay?

Andy Elliott:

Every day with my team, I say, guys, listen to me. If I told you what it cost to win our company, what things are and how things work, you guys would break. But you know what? I don't have to worry about that, and I'm not gonna break. We're gonna break records because you guys are gonna help me share the pressure.

Andy Elliott:

You guys are gonna go to war with me, and you guys are gonna be my side like I'm gonna be by your side. And I will never let anybody hurt you. I'll take a bullet for you guys, but you guys better take 1 for me. And by the way, Sam, I wanna tell you, this in 2023, this is the time to build an unrecruitable sales team. Unrecruitable.

Andy Elliott:

Right? Unrecruitable.

Sam DArc:


Andy Elliott:

Now I love that term. I love that term. I'm gonna tell you what that means. Right? So I'm gonna give you an example.

Andy Elliott:

Watch. Hey, Steinbreck. Chris, come here. Watch. I'm gonna grab 1 of my guys.

Andy Elliott:

Now listen, I've got 70 of these guys running around here. This is a big bird guy. Right? But, we're just gonna we're we're gonna role play with him for a minute. Watch this.

Andy Elliott:

Hey, Chris. Come here real quick. Hey, come here. I want you to meet these guys. Oh.

Andy Elliott:

K. Get over to Hey.

Sam DArc:

What's up?

Andy Elliott:

What's going

Sam DArc:

on, guys?

Mike Van Ryn:

Hey, Chris.

Andy Elliott:

How are you? Hey. So listen. What if Sam

Sam DArc:


Andy Elliott:

What if he said, I'll pay you a $100, 000 more a month no matter what you're making? You know what? I'll pay you a 1, 000, 000 more a month to come work for him. What would you say?

Sam DArc:

Dude, no disrespect, but

Andy Elliott:

Listen. Ryan, come here.

Sam DArc:

Hold on. Wanna get it finished.

Andy Elliott:

No. Watch. Come here.

Sam DArc:

I appreciate it.

Andy Elliott:

I wanna show you something. Sam, this is no joke. Ryan, get on. Yep. Yep.

Andy Elliott:

What's going on, man? Hey. Alright. Now Hey. What's up?

Andy Elliott:

Ryan, number 1. Show them what that bracelet on your hand says. Says This 1? Tell them what it says. It says, the devil whispers you can't withstand the storm.

Andy Elliott:

The warrior replied, I am the storm. Who gave you that?

Mike Van Ryn:

Oh, I am. I love that. That's cool.

Andy Elliott:

It's a brotherhood. Just it means the world. Warriors. Show him what's on your arm.

Sam DArc:

Woah. Woah. He tattooed is that a real tattoo?

Andy Elliott:

It is. It ain't going nowhere. Ryan, show me your bad. Show show him your bicep. And he hates tattoos.

Andy Elliott:

It's a long Hey. Now, Ryan, now I'm gonna ask you a question. We love each other, we push hard, we grind together, but what if Sam would pay you 10, 000, 000 more a month? I said a month, 10, 000, 000 to go work for him.

Mike Van Ryn:

That's a

Andy Elliott:

Sorry, Sam. Hey, listen, Sam, we don't need to go through this. I bring 70 guys over here, every single 1 of them. And by the way, listen, blood, sweat, tears, heart and soul. You know why?

Andy Elliott:

Because listen, man, I don't motivate these guys with money. You know what I motivate them with? Having a life and having an opportunity to be around great people their whole life. And by the way, if we all do what we say we're gonna do, We all stay close. Individual can be beat, but a team can't be beat, Mike.

Andy Elliott:

You know what that means? That means this. You gotta build the team. Gotta build the team. Gotta build the team, man.

Andy Elliott:

The team is where money's man.

Sam DArc:

It's interesting, Andy, because it's something we believe. We believe that not everybody works for the money. We believe they work to make a difference, to have an impact. That point of being part of a family. We talk a lot about that family and that cultural roots.

Sam DArc:

And I love this vision of. Creating an unrecruitable sales force because your culture is so strong. Nobody could possibly tear them apart, but we do see the entitlement in our business today is 1 of the biggest threats to success tomorrow that you've got to crush that sense of entitlement here at the beginning of the year, in order to have a success later in the year. That comment you made about the January financial being forecast of what will come later

Andy Elliott:

in the year.

Sam DArc:

If we can crush that entitlement in January, we will win later on. So final question, going back to your 5 am workout, what is your daily mindset routine that helps you to create Reserve defend and further your energy, your passion, to be able to execute on what you do every single day, Andy.

Andy Elliott:

Okay. All right. This is easy. I'm gonna give you the deal. By the way, you can pick whatever, but you ask mine.

Andy Elliott:

So I'm gonna tell you. And by the way, it's the same thing every morning. I never change it. And I'm gonna tell you why I don't change it. Because I'm afraid to lose my edge.

Andy Elliott:

I want you to understand this, Sam. It took me so long. It took me so long to get this edge that I have now. I'm not giving it up. That's why this morning when I woke up, I didn't care if I had the flu.

Andy Elliott:

I was sweating. I had a fever. I said, dude, I'm not I'm not losing it. Look, I've worked I'm 43 years old. I've kept this edge for 3 years straight.

Andy Elliott:

Not going to let anything break it. So this is my routine. Me and my wife, we wake up at 5 AM every morning. Okay? That's our deal, 5 AM.

Andy Elliott:

It is dark outside. We whether we go to bed at 2 AM, or whether we get to bed by 11. It doesn't matter. Okay? We only got 1 life.

Andy Elliott:

We don't break our commitments. Undisciplined people don't get anything. Disciplined people rule the world. Okay? And if you can't take over your own mind, you can't take over the world.

Andy Elliott:

If you can't tell your mind to shut up, get in the back seat, I'm in charge at the time you need to. Quick decisions. 1 second decisions. I'm up. Get up.

Andy Elliott:

Get up. Get up, dude. Don't think about it. If you think you're gonna lay back down. Okay?

Andy Elliott:

So number 1, 5 AM, we get up. First thing I do is I walk straight to the coffee pot, and I grab it, and I make coffee. Why? Because I'm drinking coffee on my way out the door. I go to the gym.

Andy Elliott:

I got my coffee. I love coffee. Okay? I'm drinking my coffee. But when I get to the gym, I listen to the same person for the last 3 years.

Andy Elliott:

Same music. I'm gonna tell you this. Really? Yep. I want you to try it.

Andy Elliott:

Okay? Dude, be careful. Because it's medicine for your soul. Okay? I listen to Rob Bailey.

Andy Elliott:

BAILEY. It's called Rob Bailey. Just test me. It's called Rob Bailey and the hustle standard. He's got about 5, 6 different albums.

Andy Elliott:

Here's what I do. Number 1: no phones allowed in the gym. There is a rule. No text, no emails, no calls. If you call me, if I'm in the gym, I don't care, Sam, if it's my if somebody died, I will not get a hold of him until after the gym.

Andy Elliott:

There's a reason why. Because, Sam, it's my job as a man to bring special energy to my wife and my children. It's my job. It's a it's my job to bring

Sam DArc:

That's true.

Andy Elliott:

That's the good stuff in life. We're not talking about money yet. I'm talking about me, the people that are there with me, that love me, that have showed me, that unconditionally cared about me regardless of results, my wife and my children. I need this hour of Suckfest to create myself, to go home and be the man for them, and bring special energy to them, And make sure that if I had anything bad going on in my life, that I never carried that into them. And I'm not even talking about my team yet.

Andy Elliott:

I'm talking about my direct family. I follow a program. When you're in the gym, I'm listening to Rob Bailey, pods in, it's cranked. I don't faint. I don't care who's in the gym.

Andy Elliott:

Don't talk to me. I don't walk around and record stuff. I don't take selfies. I don't wanna do anything. I want to pay the rent.

Andy Elliott:

Okay? By the way, listen, you want that mentality? You have to put those pods in. Put some Rob Bailey on. Find a program.

Andy Elliott:

So there's a guy named Wes Watson. Okay? You can look him up on YouTube. He's a little crazy. Okay?

Andy Elliott:

I am ex whether you cuss or you don't. I'll be careful. He does cuss a little bit. But his name's Wes Watson. And I want you to just listen.

Andy Elliott:

He's very intense. But if you think for he has a program, a workout program. But watch 1 of his videos. You're gonna be like, damn man, I need to go to the gym right now. But he has a workout program.

Andy Elliott:

I pay a couple $100 a month. I follow it. I don't have to think about what to do when I go in the gym. Sam, when you go to the gym, you don't wanna think about what to do. I see people walking around, or I set up shit.

Andy Elliott:

Dude, you're a loser. Okay? It's a program. Automated. And you're running that program until it's over, and then you get out.

Andy Elliott:

The second I get home, I give my kids a big a big kiss. I give my wife a big kiss. By the way, I kiss my wife when I leave the gym in the morning. I kiss my kids. I am never ungrateful.

Andy Elliott:

Listen, the reason why people don't get what they want is because they're ungrateful. They forget what they have. The reason why marriages don't sustain greatness is because the newness wears off. It is your responsibility as the leader of your home to keep the business new, the marriage new. Keep I still it's like taking my kids home from the hospital every damn day that I see them.

Andy Elliott:

Okay? It's day 1 again, man. It's day 1.

Sam DArc:

That's the foundation.

Andy Elliott:

Yes. And you talk about chip on your shoulder? I see people walking around that I've arrived feeling. Dude, we've got more money, we know what to do with right now in my life than I ever thought I'd have. Yet, I don't care.

Andy Elliott:

I work like I'm broke. Yeah. I feel like right now my wife's calling me saying, we're going in bankrupt. The bank's taking it all. We're going out.

Andy Elliott:

They're coming their own their way. If you don't sell, we're done. That's the anxiety that I'm feeling. And I love that. I love that.

Andy Elliott:

People say, oh, anxiety has got me stressed out. No, anxiety is good for you. It makes you feel awful. It's

Sam DArc:

good stress.

Andy Elliott:

Yes. It's good stress. Stress is good. Good, run towards it. Attack it.

Andy Elliott:

You have the ability to go change. So, I'm in that gym, I go home. Last thing, I go home. I show them love, I get dressed, I go to work, and I bring that fire to my team. And I set the tone, I set the I'm the example for them.

Andy Elliott:

They will only work half as hard as me. Sam, I'm interested in the journey. There's no destination, there's no dollar amount, there's no x amount when we hit these numbers. Sam, I want to run like this until we die. And I want to tell you, I don't want to retire.

Andy Elliott:

I never want to retire. I don't. I just don't want to. And people say, Andy, 1 day you might. Okay.

Andy Elliott:

And 1 day if I want to, then I will. Because I'm doing what I wanna do. But right now, I wanna attack. I wanna deliver. I wanna execute.

Andy Elliott:

And like you said, I want to help people get their shot at being great now. And that's why we created great training, and I call it the I call it the life hack. It's the cheat code. If, Sam, you've been doing this for 30 years, and if you'll tell me in 1 month everything you learned in 30 years, Dude, I just compressed time frames by 30 years. Yes.

Andy Elliott:

I was working. Who wouldn't wanna do that? And by the way, listen to me. When you find a mentor, your goal isn't to envy them, it's to emulate them. Okay?

Andy Elliott:

If Sam, if you're smart with money and I'm not, I'm gonna study you. If I have great energy, and you're like, damn dude, I want that energy, then you study me. If Mike has a great curriculum and the way this I wanna study him. Listen to me. This is what life's about.

Andy Elliott:

I want 2023 to be the year that I'm surrounded by great people that will help level me up. That will help me get to new levels. And then I hope to take all that I learned and all of that great influence, and I'm a sponge. No matter where I am today, no matter where you are, we're never gonna change it. Because we have to keep changing because that out there is continuing to change.

Andy Elliott:

And I wanna bring that to my team. And that's it, man. And anyways, if you'll follow getting and by the way, so at night, just so you're aware, at night, every morning, I wake up, hammer the gym. At night, I put my phone down. This is big.

Andy Elliott:

I'm gonna finish with this, and I'm gonna say, Sam, this is a big 1. Everybody's double minded. The reason why everybody in this world does have anxiety, it's because it's self inflicted. They're self sabotaging their own life. They're your people are self sabotaging their own life.

Andy Elliott:

The reason why is that you need to be where you are. What does that mean? I'm at work right now. I don't need to call my wife and tell her I miss her. Work.

Andy Elliott:

She expects me as a man to work really hard when I'm at work. I don't need to be thinking about the gym. I don't need to be thinking about her. I need to think about work. I need to make business happen.

Andy Elliott:

And then when I leave, I'm gonna put my phone down, and I'm gonna be respectful, and I'm gonna be a man, and I'm gonna take care of my wife, and I'm gonna show her love, not tell her I love her. I'm gonna show her love. I'm gonna put my phone down. And as enticing as it is, I'm gonna show her massive love. I'm gonna show my kids massive love.

Andy Elliott:

And whether I get 30 minutes with my kid or 3 hours, I don't care. Dude, 30 minutes with your kid putting your phone down, paying attention to him, you'll wear them out. They don't need more than 30 minutes, man. And if you think they do, you've never really played with them hard for 30 minutes. Okay?

Sam DArc:

Wait. Why is it that putting the phone away is so hard, Andy?

Andy Elliott:

Endorphin. Endorphin. We Endorphin. The people that wanna yes you, they're always trying to reach out to you. And we like that because that's what makes us feel powerful.

Andy Elliott:

But our wife at home, she won't yes you. So it feels easier to go back to your phone. No. Listen to me. Something were to happen today and you were to get cancer and you were to get sick, your wife would be there with you and your children would be by your side every single second.

Andy Elliott:

You know what they want, Sam? The man you became today in business, they want that. They want that in their life. They do it. I know you give it to them already, but just like business, there's another level.

Andy Elliott:

There's another level that your wife can see you paying attention to her instead of telling her you love her, showing her you love her. Leaving her love notes, taking her out on date night, making sure that you don't forget about her in the big scheme of running big business. 2023, we're talking about all these plans and going to war. K? What's the plans of falling in love with her?

Andy Elliott:

And what's the plans of you and you're making sure that y'all stay close, and if they're going through anything, that they can talk to you because they're close to you. We gotta make sure when we go to war, that we're also taking our family with us. And we're explaining to our family that, hey. We are winners, and winners do take on a lot. But, also, I want if my dad does get stupid and I forget, I it's not because I don't love you.

Andy Elliott:

It's because I'm stupid sometimes. And I chase really hard to make sure that we stay afloat

Sam DArc:

and good.

Andy Elliott:

And we got a lot of accountability, and a lot of people rely on us. But also, I don't ever wanna let you guys down. We have open communication in our family about if somebody gets on the phone, they shouldn't put it down. And guess what? My wife knows if you call me and it's important, I'm okay to take a call.

Andy Elliott:

She don't want me to miss that call. But she also doesn't want leftovers. She wants special energy. Okay? So save special energy for your family.

Andy Elliott:

Play it all when you're at work. When you're at the gym, don't be thinking about work. Don't be thinking about your wife. Go Man, pay the rent in that gym. Pay the rent at home.

Andy Elliott:

Be there present with your family when you're there. Put your phone down. And then when you are at work, give it all you got, and don't leave anything in the tank. Cross the finish line.

Sam DArc:

Andy Elliott, I'll tell you. This has been an incredible episode and I hope what I hope from our team and from everyone listening to the podcast across the nation, whether you're in the audit industry or not, I hope you actually come back to this and listen to this episode over and over. Cause we've heard a lot of nuggets between creating a solid foundation in your personal life with discipline, but then also looking at this industry in this year, that's coming up as an opportunity, killing entitlement, fully wearing the show, the chip on your shoulder and making a commitment to go out and crush it in 23. And it's so exciting for me to hear this. Andy, will you tell everyone again, whether they want to come to you individually as a salesperson, you provided that opportunity.

Sam DArc:

How can I reach out to you and connect with you, Andy?

Andy Elliott:

Simple. You just shoot me a text. 918-210-0254. That's it. And if you'll text me

Sam DArc:

I love it.

Andy Elliott:

You tell me what you need, hey, even if you just say, hey. Love you, man. Great stuff. You fired me up. It's cool.

Andy Elliott:

You ain't gotta buy nothing. I love my people. That's what it's all about impact. You you nailed it. So I'm grateful to be here.

Andy Elliott:

You guys are awesome. I know we always say 30 minutes. It's, hey. Come inside for 5 minutes. Yeah.

Andy Elliott:

We didn't ask

Mike Van Ryn:

for, man.

Sam DArc:

But the

Andy Elliott:

bottom line is I always say this. Hey. 5 minute sales meeting doesn't need to be 15 minutes. But if you got a good 15 Yeah. Sales meeting, go 15 minutes with you.

Andy Elliott:

I think everything we talked about was value. And I think that if you're giving away value to people and they can log in, they're gonna consume something somewhere. And if they're in the sales fold and they consume this, man, this is the case to the lifetime.

Sam DArc:

So to team Zukler to our podcast audience, let's go

Andy Elliott:

out and crush

Sam DArc:

it in 2023. Andy Elliott, thank you so much for being here. Mike Van Rhijn, fun episode. Let's crush it in 23. Thanks, everybody.

Andy Elliott:

Thank you, guys.

Sam DArc:

Thanks to Andy Elliott for contributing to this week's episode. Until next week, how are you dragging vision

Andy Elliott:
